Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

Okay...I gotta tell ya, I am not a huge fan of this holiday. I mean I love Christmas and I have a crazy kind of giddy love for Halloween...but Valentine's day? I mean, I love a romantic comedy as much as the next gal, but a whole day devoted to matters of the heart? I dunno. So, I can appreciate where Jack is coming from. Did he want to do this shoot? Does he ever want to do a shoot? But, he needs Valentine's day cards for his, this is a sample of how it went. The backdrop is the giant chalkboard wall in our playroom...and, ladies and gentlemen, I used my flash...

This one should have a series of numbers across his chest...can you say mugshot?

Oh sweet little boy...

Ahhh...finally one I can live with. He is such a ham. I'm fearful that he has too much of me in him as he has taken to telling a long series of one-liners--usually something to do with underwear or his...ahem...weinie...and, then, when my laughter has turned to anger and I am completely fed up with him. He stops. Then, he asks me what was my favorite one? Then, he asks Georgia. Hmmm...SNL watch out ;)

His card...suckers attached to the back :) I have left overs. If you feel like a sucker this Valentine's day--just say so ;)


Jenny Drake said...

NICE flash work Dana . . . and the Valentine is the CUTEST. I'm totally stealing it someday. How can you not love Valentine's Day? Tsk. Tsk. Love YOU.

sherri said...

he he...these made me smile! How adorable is he? LOVE them!