Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Flipping Over These

So, I know that regular visitors to my blog have been wondering where I've been...I took a short break and came home to lots of new stuff to announce. Not to mention new photos to share. I just hope that I get it all in before I leave in a week for San Francisco! Because I know there will be tonnes to share from my trip!

I've been re-examining things as of late. Mostly, I have decided that I need to look at this as less of a hobby and more of a business. What does that mean? Well...a few things. I'll be trickling them out slowly over the next month or so. But, today, I want to share one of the awesome things I am going to be offering my clients! It is a 40 page soft cover flip book. I am sooooo excited about this I can hardly contain myself! The possibilities! One side maternity...the other side newborn pictures. One side one child...the other side another child. One side engagement photos...the other side wedding images. Yay! I don't have a hard copy in my hand, but hope to have one before April. My sample book will be images of my own kids--that's how badly I want one of these! Here is a sneak peek...

I just wanted to say hi...I've missed you guys ;)

1 comment:

Jenny Drake said...

Good to have you back . . . the books look awesome! Thanks for the visit . . . .