Thursday, February 21, 2008

Baby Jack

So, a couple of things...I had to turn on comment moderation on my blog. I sincerely hope this does not deter people from commenting as I LOVE getting comments, but, yesterday, I got a spam comment. And, just like spam that comes unwanted into your inbox, the content of said spam was not really suitable for younger I added comment moderation. So, if you are a real person and you leave a comment on my blog, I promise to post it. If you are trying to sell me something to enhance any part of my body...forget about it!

So, these pictures are from a little guy we affectionately call 'Baby Jack' in our house. His mom and I have been friends for way longer than I like to admit is even possible. Recently, I started helping her in her own photographic journey. It's been fun to have someone to chat shop with. This past weekend she watched me 'shoot'...and how I love to 'shoot' babies. No matter what sort of punctuation I put around that word it just doesn't sound right :) She is lucky to have some great looking models! Even though one of them was playing Wii with my Jack in the basement. Here are some of the pictures from that brief little 'shoot'...

And...a new storyboard I'm going to life is sweet line ;) Because, is sweet when you have a sugar like this to cuddle with everyday!

So, like I said...lots to share before I leave for San Francisco! My Jack wants me to tell everyone that he is possibly the world Wii boxing champion. It's a little frightening actually. Watching him scream at the screen things like 'You're going down!' What happened to my sweet baby Jack?


Jenny Drake said...

Oh! My favorite post yet (yes, I am a little biased) . . . your shots of Jack are WONDERFUL and truly capture his little self. Thank you, thank you. Can't wait until we get to play again - with the little and the big.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Amazing "shots" of a stunning little wonder. Makes me more and more excited to work with you every day Dana!