Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I'm Back!!!

San Francisco was so awesome! Not only did I learn so much from the incredibly beautiful Cheryl Muhr, but I also got to meet a true rockstar!!! Jinky...a total rockstar in the children's photography world. I was in heaven. Sometimes it feels like I speak a different language and it was awesome to be in a room full of women who didn't need me to constantly translate. I am so inspired and can't wait to get to Banff and do my shoots there! Yay!

I should be sleeping as I have problems sleeping in beds that are not my own so I am completely exhausted, but I am processing away. Here are some images from the workshop. What beautiful children they had there...

This little guy was my favorite...and not just because his mom got me a tylenol when I needed it most! Is he not the cutest? Seriously...check back lots because I am bound to be a blogging fool over the next little while.

1 comment:

Jenny Drake said...

Dana!! I can see the changes already . . . way to go on completing the workshop, following your passion and making a go of this -- you are RAWKING it out. Can't wait for more posts . . .